Monday, August 13, 2007

Summer's almost over Well summer is almost over for us (teachers). Daxton is turning one in exactly one week. Alot has happened this summer. 1. Kerry and I did not kill each other.2. Erica and Clayton both completed another season of summer ball. 3. Kerry trained almost every day for a triathlon.4. Kerry completed his first triathlon sprint in 1 hour 19 minutes. 5. Clayton completed his first kids triathlon and placed fourth. 6. Erica made the A team for school softball.7. Daxton started walking and talking.8. I got back up on skis for the first time in two years. 9. We went camping in the Smokey Mountains.The summer has really flown by, as has this last year. I can't believe Dax is turning one. It seems like I was just yesterday that I was a fat pig in this heat.