Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Getting ready for the Holidays

Okay so we're getting ready for the holidays, and have no idea what to even get for the kids. Of course Dax is easy because he's just getting a few things. Erica and Clayton are a totally different ball game. Since they have like five Christmas's every year we are just out of ideas. It's not just Kerry and I either, Jill has been stumped, as well. Let me put it this way.....they don't even know what to spend gift cards on when they get them!!

I'm sure alot of people go through the stress of what to get their kids. We have even informed the kids that they are adopting a needy kid with a couple of their "presents."

Daxton did his hair cut by Jill a couple weeks ago. She said he was really good for the procedure. He was a little squirmy for his first haircut, but overall not too bad. He does look older though.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Okay so we have made it through the first nine weeks of school and all is well. Ashley is getting her master's in educational leadership so she's pretty busy. Kerry has been hunting and getting ready for hunting season. Erica is playing basketball so she's very busy. Clayton has been hunting and fishing.....even got his first deer during youth shotgun season. And Daxton he's just plain busy. He's doing quite a bit of talking...even though it's not all understandable. He really likes the dog and tries to mouth kiss her all the time. He also LOVES his brother and sister. When they come he's over the moon. He calls Erica "ga-Ka" and Clayton gets "Tito." He dressed up as a duck for Halloween (courtesy of Aunt Hillary) and Erica went with him. He liked wearing the duck suit so he thought it was big fun!! He learned that he loves a sucker....but what a mess.

Monday, October 22, 2007

This Fall

Erica and Daxton went tubing this summer at a decent speed. Daxton loved it. He thought this was big fun!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Summer's almost over Well summer is almost over for us (teachers). Daxton is turning one in exactly one week. Alot has happened this summer. 1. Kerry and I did not kill each other.2. Erica and Clayton both completed another season of summer ball. 3. Kerry trained almost every day for a triathlon.4. Kerry completed his first triathlon sprint in 1 hour 19 minutes. 5. Clayton completed his first kids triathlon and placed fourth. 6. Erica made the A team for school softball.7. Daxton started walking and talking.8. I got back up on skis for the first time in two years. 9. We went camping in the Smokey Mountains.The summer has really flown by, as has this last year. I can't believe Dax is turning one. It seems like I was just yesterday that I was a fat pig in this heat.